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Remedial Waterproofing for Tilt-Up Panels

Posted by Charlie "The Grout Geek" Lerman on Sep 16, 2021 10:00:00 AM

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Body - AS Remedial Waterproofing for Tilt-Up PanelsIn the United States, tilt-up construction is very common and the resulting joints are typically caulked. The vast majority of the time that is totally sufficient. But what about the joint you find yourself recaulking every six months to a year? While not the norm, they can be a real hassle and a thorn in your side. Enter Spetec PUR F400 and welcome to this blog post!

Spetec PUR F400 is a flexible hydrophobic polyurethane grout. Oakum is a fibrous jute rope that we soak the F400 in and then use to pack the wetted joint from the bottom up. This is a messy but simple process that leaves you with a full-depth seal/bond as opposed to the typical ¼” bond that is standard when caulking. The excess foam can be cut back and caulked to match the existing joints. Caulking is also required on the exterior as F400 is not UV stable, so the caulk protects the F400 from UV and makes the joint cosmetically match the other joints.

The same grout/oakum procedure described above can also be done for joints that are in constant submersion. Standard urethane caulk is not designed for constant submergence and while polysulfides are, they still can have problems with it. F400 is unaffected by wet, dry, wet/dry, or constant submerged environments.

These repair procedures can be applied to pipe penetrations as well. The "oakum soakum" method, as it's commonly known, is a tried and true methodology. But it is also one of the simplest methods for polyurethane chemical grout installation. I equate it to fingerpainting with chemical grouts.

Every grouting job has its unique challenges. Alchemy-Spetec's industry-leading tech support team is here to help! Call 404-618-0438 for assistance with your leak seal job today!

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